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Local image #75
2023, Acylic on board, 30x30cm
31 October 2023 A blue cat. I find this landscape beautiful, somewhere I might want to explore. It seems sunny and with turquoise waters, with interesting things living in the water, fecund, full, complete complexity. The pale yellow contrasted against the blue, supported beneath by deeper reds and blues. The forms remain elusive, the patterns are not resolving, mysterious, not there for me to see. Deep ravines, abyssal bowls of ocean, less determined, undetermined, unresolved. If I painted a big one, would I see more? The pale yellow sands seem bleached by time, as if once there was life there, but its time has passed. They are now husks, ruins, remains, that lie along the veins and arteries of blood that run through this place. Words that describe land formations: coves, alcoves, bays, gulfs, ravines, crevices, cliffs, hills, mounds, mountains. These words are full of romance and adventure. Seas, oceans, lakes, ponds, puddles, drops, rain, clouds, sheets, banks, rivers, rivulets, estuaries, marshes, creeks, canyons, snow, ice, sleet, fog. Blue eyes of eternity, the preacher still preaching, nymphs and fairies, ancient people that became deified and worshipped, ancient squids that have minds that don’t track with our young minds anymore, gulfs, abysses, rifts apart. If I was to contemplate and let you do your work on me, would I find myself drifting away from the world I know? If I started to see things the way you see them, would I loo weird in the gaze of the other?