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Film image #80
2023, Acylic on board, 30x30cm
10% off R891.00
Bronze mirror, reflection of the self image in a bronze mirror, not reflecting the full image, editing, absorbing light, some light, and reflecting other light, taking and giving according to its nature, a medium, seeing the self image through the medium of a bronze mirror, imperfections in its sirface [surface], causing distortions, so much of the reflection is accurate, enough to stop questioning it, and forget that this self image that I am looking at is through a medium, through a bronze mirror. The self reflecting the self back at the self, but forgetting the self, not able to see the self in the reflection, forgetting the filtering and distortions that occur in the self-mirror, self-error.

Specks that glitter, reflecting back overwhelming specks of light, little specks of overwhelming data that appear white, bright, blinding white, a white darkness, unable to see the contrast of white on white, I see only a flat area, an undetermined flat area, an area without determination, an abyss without categorisation, an infinite abyss shallow and deep, a glimpse, a glance, that I try to edit, in order to something, to see something, at least, whatever I am able to see at this point.

Why does it seem as if this horse wants to run away?