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Film image #73
2023, Acylic on board, 30x30cm
30% off R693.00
[2 June 2023] The snowman strikes again! (Elvis Presley movie)

“You in any case fall asleep after supper.”

How is it possible that one’s desires can change so completely? What is attraction, how does it work, and why am I attracted to some things? A thing: a collection of atoms and subatomic particles. Why does that specific arrangement elicit a desire?

I will write that down because it would make a good poem.

Incomplete, complete? References reality to some extent, but does not give a complete realistic effect, affect, percept. The pony is a unicorn, pure white, pure and white, free of blemish, a perfect sacrifice to appease a god. There is a hair from the brush where the horn should be; a kind of painterly indicator to this pony’s status as a unicorn.

The transgressions of real boundaries create spaces for new knowledge. There is the reality of the paint material, and the reality created by its arrangement. The painted reality differs from reality ... it is always so difficult to speak about reality, because of the clumsiness of language to describe our reality. There is a common reality, which we all share, and there are other realities, created by things such as paintings; a reality that exists within the painting. The differences between the common reality and the painting’s reality creates space for new knowledge.

[6 June 2023] My cloak of shame or honour. My cloak of honour or shame. What cloak has society put on my shoulders?

[12 June 2023] This painted representation of a pony, doing what representations do in the universe of there artwork. What is this one doing, is it incomplete? Somewhere high up in the mountains, untainted by humans, clouds above and behind, being looked on by me, the viewer, a stadium of witnesses and from above.