Film image #62
2023, Acrylic on board, 30x30cm
[23 November 2022] Value. distance oenetratration penetration, dense onstacle obstacle not easily penetrated, overcoming distance to reach enjoyment, satisfaction.
Ice, hail, frozen, hard, dense, tough, unreceptive, unaccommodating hailstone penetrating the surface of the water, breaking the layer of ice that has formed on the surface, bring[ing] with [it] pockets of air that get trapped under the ice, where they join with ather other air bubbles, joining and seperating separating, always applying pressure upwards, they always know the way up and will push up forever until they they are let through, until their obstacle is removed. graviy gravity, mysterious invisible gravity, showing them the way up up, giving them bearing, where is up, and where is down, overwhelmingly in their nature, finding themselves in a matter environment more dense than themselves, heavier, burdened, more burdened. Naturally, by their nature, they push upwards, because air is less dense than water.
The lightong lightning dispersed upon the surface of the water, reflecting.
The air bubbles pushing upwards with all their might, mono-thought, one minded, all pushing upwards in the same direction, all working towards one goal: getting out of the water. e,nity emnity Enmity, inimical to each each other, gas and liquid. Some air bubbles are to small to rise up, they float araound around on the currents in the water, infinitesimally small, molecularly small, they oxygenate the water so that fish can breathe.
Cloud-like environment this one, [it] has a more cloud-like environment, with lightning being released, electrical energy building up through friction, and them then releasing, hopping energy, going somewhwere somewhere, attractor, to its attractor, charges building up, gainign gaining potemtial potential, and then being released, overcoming the obstacles thst that held them in their position, releasing energy, the obstacle overcome, unable to contain, building up charge, showing signs of charging, building up potential, friction, rubbing agaisnt against other things, absorbing something from them, or giving something to them, or losing and or gaining something from others, thst that keep you there, that are with you.
[2 August 2023] I see a woman with three breasts. The first and last breasts are big and full, the middle one is small.